Mission Vision Values - Central YMCA

Our Mission, Vision, Values and Strategy

Over the last year our Board of Trustees and Executive Team have taken time to consider our core principles, reflecting on our founding charitable objects and considering how these translate in today’s times. Whilst the challenges society face may be very different to when our founder Sir George Williams set up the YMCA, we believe the principles of Mind, Body, Spirit continue to be integral to our approach and is translated through our revised Mission, Vision and Purpose and the services we deliver.

We have also taken time to reflect the values we believe are essential to take the Charity forward. We believe in breaking down barriers through our value of Equity, being Creative in our approach to tackle today’s challenges, being Brave in our decisions, and Nurturing everyone we work with to ensure they succeed.

Whilst the Charity and the wider sector continue to be faced with many challenges, we are optimistic that these changes will help to see us through and ensure we can continue to deliver the important services we provide to society.