Feedback and Complaints Policy - Central YMCA

Feedback and Complaints Policy

Change history

Policy statement

At Central YMCA we aim to provide high quality services which meet your needs. We are committed to our values of Equity, Nurture, Brave, and Creative and hope to demonstrate these in all that we do.

However, we recognise that we may not always get things right and we welcome feedback to help us improve. This policy provides information on how to do this and the process we follow internally to manage feedback and complaints. 


This policy applies to any individual who would like to provide feedback or raise a complaint about Central YMCA.

Central YMCA (‘the Charity’) delivers a range of services to a broad range of individuals. This includes customers of our health and wellbeing services, students on our training programmes, learners within our education centres, apprentices, other businesses, and educational institutions.

We have separate complaints policies and procedures within the following Charity operations:

These policies and procedures provide specific guidance on how to provide feedback and complaints relevant to these operations. They refer to the different steps that need to be taken and who should be contacted. They also explain how you can escalate your complaint if you are not satisfied with how this has been managed and the different external organisations you can speak to for further support.

We therefore request that you follow these complaint policies and procedures in the first instance. This will help you to get a faster response as the teams involved in delivery of the service will be better placed to investigate your concerns. All other feedback and complaints will be managed in line with this policy.   

This policy does not cover complaints from staff, who should refer to the Charity’s internal policies and procedures on such matters.

Related Legislation and Guidance

Related Policies, Procedures and Templates

  • YMCA Awards Centre Feedback and Complaints Policy
  • YMCA Awards Learner Appeals Policy
  • YMCA Awards Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
  • YMCAfit Complaints Procedure (within Student Handbook) 
  • Education and Skills Complaints Procedures
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Data Protection, Records Retention and Privacy Policies


Board of Trustees
Overall responsibility for the policies and procedures that govern the work at Central YMCA.

Chief Executive
Overall responsibility for ensuring Central YMCA’s resources are used effectively and appropriately.

Policy Owner
Responsible for ensuring guidelines are in place and that policies and procedures reflect our charitable ethos and commitment to equality,  diversity and inclusion.

Operational Heads
Responsible for cascading any positive feedback within their teams and overseeing the initial review and investigation of all complaints relevant to their areas of work.

All Line Managers
Responsible for ensuring all employees are aware of and follow this policy.

All Employees and Volunteers

To follow policies and procedures, promoting best practice throughout the organisation.

All staff are responsible for identifying complaints and directing them as per operational complaints procedures.

Policy Review

Review of impact against the aims of policy:

This policy has been drafted for approval by the Policy Owner and has been approved by the Board of Trustees. All related procedures have been designed to match the contents of this policy.

The policy has been communicated successfully to staff and Trustees and the policy has been made available on the Charity’s intranet and website.

Do there appear to be any patterns of equality related issues: No

If yes, please provide an Equalities Impact Assessment (if relevant): N/A

Reviewed by: Board of Trustees
Date: 06 January 2022

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Policy Owner, Human Resources, and signed off by the Board of Trustees if any changes are made.

Confirmation of policy approval:

Andrew Beal, Chair of the Board of Trustees 


1. Introduction

2. Complaints and feedback process

3. Confidentiality and data protection

4. Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats

5. Escalating to our regulators