Prevent Policy

Change history

Version numberDate of releasePolicy ownerAuthorised by
5.031/03/2023Katherine Holl, Quality &
Impact Manager

Board of Trustees

Policy statement

This policy is the Charity’s response to Prevent, part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. We understand the need to safeguard our learners, and all children, young people and vulnerable adults, from harm and the risk from radicalisation of any type is no different. 

We recognise our responsibility to participate in such work and to safeguard the welfare of people by committing to practice in a way which prevents and protects people from being drawn into terrorism. The Charity reserves the right to modify this policy from time to time at its discretion and in line with legislation.


This policy applies to all employees, self-employed contractors, volunteers, trustees and all other third parties who, through their involvement with the Charity work with children, young people or vulnerable adults.

Related Legislation 

  • Prevent Duty and Guidance 2021
  • Counter-Terrorism and National Security Act 2015

Related Policies, Procedures, and Templates

  • Prevent Procedure Flowchart
  • Prevent reporting procedures for all internal and external stakeholders (including learners and apprentices)


Board of Trustees
Overall responsibility for the policies and procedures that govern the work at Central YMCA.

Chief Executive
Overall responsibility for ensuring Central YMCA’s resources are used effectively and appropriately.

Policy Owner
Responsible for ensuring guidelines are in place and that policies and procedures reflect our charitable ethos and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. 

All Line Managers
Responsible for ensuring all employees are aware of and follow this policy.

All Employees and Volunteers
To follow policies and procedures, promoting best practice throughout the organisation.


1. Principles

Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism, extremism and radicalised ideology has never been more important. As a provider of education and training programmes for people, particularly young people, from ethnically diverse, and socially and economically disadvantaged areas it is essential that the Charity is involved in the Prevent Strategy. As part of our legal duty we are committed to ensuring that learners and apprentices are educated in the dangers of extremism and understand how to protect themselves and report concerns.

The Charity will promote and reinforce values of openness and respect, tolerance, cohesion and equality of opportunity and treatment by: 

  • Creating space for free and open debate; and by listening, valuing and respecting the learner voice 
  • Breaking down barriers and supporting inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue and understanding and by engaging all learners (including apprentices) in playing a full and active role in wider engagement in society
  • Making sure that the Charity is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Providing support for learners who may be at risk by providing appropriate sources of advice and guidance
  • Making sure that staff and learners are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent extremism 
  • Promoting British values

2. Key Definitions

Extremism is defined in the 2011 Prevent strategy as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of difference faiths and beliefs. The definition in HM Government Prevent Duty Guidance includes calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.

Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups. 

Some possible signs of radicalisation include: 

  • Increasingly extreme views about another section of society or government policy
  • Downloading, viewing or sharing extremist propaganda from the internet
  • Becoming withdrawn and/or increasingly intolerant of more moderate views
  • Changes in appearance or health (including mental health) and becoming isolated from family, friends, peers or social groups 
  • Expressions of a desire/intent to take part in or support extremist activity  

Terrorism is defined in the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT 2000) as an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person / people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause. 

British values values are defined as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without any faith.

3. Training, Support and Monitoring

Training on the Prevent strategy will be delivered for all staff, Trustees, volunteers and self-employed contractors.

Ongoing support will also be provided to make sure that staff are informed and confident to take appropriate preventative and responsive steps. Information, advice and guidance for staff will be available and regularly updated through briefings at staff meetings and training interventions. 

All learners, apprentices, staff Trustees, and volunteers must be aware of the potential dangers of the availability online of extremist doctrines and be alert to the risk of radicalisation. Resources are delivered to ensure that learners, apprentices, staff Trustees and volunteers understand how to protect themselves and others and how to report concerns.

Such material should, as far as possible, be made inaccessible through appropriate filters.

Where this fails, any interaction with extremist websites or materials must be recorded and reported. The DSL should then talk to the learner or staff member and appropriate action taken.

Learners (including apprentices) are surveyed twice yearly and asked to comment on how safe they feel and if they understand how to report any concerns. Responses help to inform improvements in our guidance and practice.     

3.1 eLearning Modules

Everyone who engages with the Charity, all the way up to Board level, is required to successfully complete the Charity’s mandatory Prevent eLearning modules on an annual basis. 

New members of staff, volunteers Trustees or self-employed contractors will receive this training as part of their induction.

3.2 Face to Face Training

In addition to the eLearning modules, those who work in a regulated activity, specifically people within YMCA Training, YMCAfit and the Children and Young People (CYP) programme in YMCA Club will be required to undergo face to face training at a local level.  

This face to face training will be carried out by local safeguarding officers and will be appropriate to each specific business area.  

Regular updates will also be provided to support the face to face training.

3.3 Designated Safeguarding Leads and Local Safeguarding Officers

Designated safeguarding leads and local safeguarding officers will be required to undertake external face to face Prevent training every 2 years, in order to keep up to date with recent changes and remain aware of referral processes. 

These roles will also attend regular training and networking events with local authorities relating to Prevent issues.


4. Roles & Responsibilities

4.1 Employees, self-employed contractors and volunteers

Are required to familiarise themselves with this policy and procedure and follow this at all times.

If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult and believe that they may be at risk of, you must share that concern confidentially with a local safeguarding officer immediately.

Any information shared should always be accurate, up to date and shared appropriately and securely with only the person or people who need to know and limited to information relevant for the purpose. If you have any doubts about when to share safeguarding information, discuss the situation with a local safeguarding officer.

Everyone must complete their required Prevent Training to help increase their knowledge.

4.2 Line Managers

Support and encourage the completion of required Prevent Training

Adopt the Charity’s culture of vigilance and lead by example

4.3 Board of Trustees and the Executive Team

The Board of Trustees and Executive Team are responsible for setting an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding, so that it is safe for those affected to come forward and report incidents and concerns with the assurance these will be handled sensitively and properly.

The Board of Trustees and the Executive Team are responsible for understanding the nature of the threat and the risks of extremism and radicalisation within the Charity

They will ensure that the Charity effectively manage risks and is able to deal appropriately with issues of radicalisation and extremism by:  

  • Creating an ethos which upholds core values of shared responsibility and wellbeing for all, while promoting respect, equality and diversity and understanding
  • Ensuring sufficient resource is applied to keep people safe from harm 
  • Adopting stringent and transparent Prevent duty practices which recognise, support and protect individuals who might be susceptible to radicalisation 
  • Sharing information about Prevent duty and good practice with other key stakeholders and external agencies 
  • Providing training opportunities for staff, self-employed contractors and volunteers to enable them to continually update their safeguarding and Prevent knowledge
  • Sharing information and concerns with agencies who need to know and ensuring we involve learners, parents, staff and others in an appropriate way
  • Providing effective management for staff, self-employed contractors and volunteers through supervision, support and training 
  • Ensuring plans are in place to minimise the potential for acts of violent extremism.

4.4 Designated Safeguarding Leads

The Designated Safeguarding Leads are the figureheads for Prevent, taking responsibility for the Charity’s overall approach. 

These roles will provide support, advice and guidance to trustees, board members and staff on an on-going basis and on any specified Prevent issues as required. Other responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the Charity is meeting its legal and statutory requirements in relation to the Prevent duty
  • Undertaking full assessments of the threat and risks of extremism and radicalisation within the Charity, and ensures these are effectively managed
  • Ensuring the Charity is able to deal appropriately with incidents through the adoption of robust and transparent policies and procedures which are aligned to best practice and the requirements of our regulators
  • Making sure all Prevent policies and procedures are fully implemented and followed by staff, self-employed contractors, volunteers, children, young people under 18 and vulnerable adults
  • Working with local safeguarding officers to review the Prevent strategy and action plan along with policies and procedures both periodically and following serious incidents, making any necessary changes and reporting back to the Board for discussion and approval
  • Ensuring that the Charity’s Prevent policy and procedures in relation are well communicated and are easily available
  • Working with the local safeguarding officers to ensure that stringent and transparent Prevent duty practices are in place which recognise, support and protect at risk individuals
  • Supporting the Board to monitor the effectiveness of Prevent practices in place, through regular and fit for purpose monitoring and reporting
  • Ensuring that everyone receives appropriate advice and training in relation to their responsibilities for Prevent, enabling them to continually update their knowledge
  • Ensuring that everyone is aware of how to respond properly when incidents arise and report as necessary to social services, UK Prevent teams, other agencies and the police if necessary
  • Making sure all new staff, self-employed contractors and volunteers are inducted on the Charity’s approach to Prevent
  • Updating the Named Trustee (Trustee Lead) on all Prevent issues that need to be raised at Board level
  • Undertaking systematic analysis of incidents and concerns, providing regular updates to the board of Trustee’s and an annual in-depth review of our approach.
  • Providing support, supervision and advice for local safeguarding officers with a severe Prevent concern.

The contact details for the designated safeguarding leads and the named trustees (Trustee Lead) can be found on the Charity’s intranet.  

4.5 Local Safeguarding Officers

The local safeguarding officers support the Charity’s Prevent approach at local level.

These roles provide advice and support to staff, volunteers and self-employed contractors. They are responsible for making referrals at a local level and liaising with external parties as necessary, such as the Channel Panel and other agencies, like the DBS or Police. Other responsibilities include:

  • Managing Prevent issues / cases in their region or operation
  • Referring cases to the Channel programme where there is a radicalisation concern as required
  • Ensuring that appropriate information is available at the time of a referral and that the referral is confirmed in writing, under confidential cover as quickly as possible (e.g. within a working day)
  • Keeping detailed, accurate and secure written records of Prevent concerns, where appropriate (i.e. include a chronology of concerns, referrals, meetings, phone calls or emails) to include on MyConcern 
  • Recording incidents and actions on MyConcern, no matter how minor the incident
  • Remaining familiar with local referral procedures and know how to contact and establish links 
  • Actively supporting the Charity's Prevent approach and the implementation of action plans
  • Providing support, supervision and advice to any staff member, self-employed contractor, volunteer, child, young person or vulnerable adult with a Prevent concern
  • Ensuring the effective and consistent communication and embedding of Prevent policies and practice within their region or operation 
  • Providing regular briefings and updates at staff meetings to ensure that all staff are kept up to date and regularly reminded of their responsibilities
  • Ensuring that every member of their region or operation has access to and understands the Charity's Prevent policy
  • Ensuring all staff, self-employed contractors and volunteers have completed the Prevent eLearning and know how to assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism, understand how to identify individual children who may be at risk of radicalisation and what to do to support them
  • Delivering face to face training for those working in a regulated activity on a regular basis
  • Educating learners and apprentices in how to report concerns and/or seek support and guidance 

A full list of the contact details for the local safeguarding officers can be found on the Charity’s intranet

4.6 Central Services Support

The HR, IT and Facilities teams from central services will provide assistance in support of the Charity’s Prevent approach and action plans. This will include:

  • Sourcing appropriate training providers for Prevent eLearning modules
  • Supporting with the logistical aspects of the roll out of the Prevent eLearning modules
  • Supporting with ongoing reporting on eLearning completion; how to record the training, how to report on this, prompts for renewals etc.
  • Creating and maintaining sufficient safeguards online
  • Ensuring the security settings are fit for purpose
  • Ensuring all Central YMCA site locations are fit for purpose

4.7 Training and Learning Staff

Teaching and learning staff will be involved in the delivery of a curriculum which promotes knowledge, skills and understanding to build the resilience of learners, promote British values and enable them to challenge extremist views. This will include: 

  • Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and community cohesion
  • Promoting wider skill development such as social and emotional aspects of learning and the strengthening of critical thinking skills 
  • Recognising local needs, challenging extremist narratives, stereotypes and anti-social behaviour and by promoting universal rights 
  • Encouraging active citizenship and participation
  • Promoting values of openness and respect and facilitating opportunities to contribute, challenge and debate 
  • Responding appropriately to events in local, national or international news that may impact on learners and communities
  • Making sure that learners are supported and listened to and are helped to access support internally and/ or through community partner.
  • Sharing information about Prevent duty and good practice with key stakeholders including the employers of apprentices / trainees etc.

5. Guest Speakers

The Charity believes that guest speakers can enrich our education programmes and other areas of our business by adding depth and breadth on a range of subjects. 

This can especially help to prepare our learners and all young people we engage with for life in modern Britain and to further extend their employability and vocational skills.

In relation to this, it is the Charity’s policy that guest speakers should: 

  • Follow the same signing in procedures as other visitors
  • Not be left alone with learners, children, young people or vulnerable adults unless they have a current DBS which we have had sight of and logged
  • Have their views countered and balanced by our employees, self-employed contractors or volunteers should they have any extreme views, whether political or religious.

The Charity will ask all guest speakers to share the content of the talk with staff prior to the talk. If content deemed inappropriate, the Charity may revoke the guest speaker’s invitation

6. Reference Documents and Guidance Resources

HM Government Prevent Duty Guidance

Channel Awareness Training – training on the Channel Programme which provides support to individuals who are vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. 

7. Appendix 1 – Prevent Reporting Procedure