Whistleblowing Policy - | Central YMCA

Whistleblowing Policy

Change history

Policy statement

At Central YMCA (‘the Charity’), we are committed to living by our values in all we do. We aspire to create an environment of openness and transparency where employees, volunteers and external stakeholders feel safe to share any feedback or concerns and feel everyone’s voice can be heard to enable us to continually improve.

It is important that any misconduct or wrongdoing within the Charity is reported and properly dealt with. The purpose of this policy is to outline ways in which employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, Trustees, and service providers can report serious concerns about malpractice or wrongdoing in an appropriate way, in line with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. 

The Board of Trustees and Executive Team is committed to managing the Charity in the best way possible. This policy is designed to encourage and enable you to raise serious concerns within the Charity rather than ignoring a problem or ‘blowing the whistle’ externally.  It is also intended to reassure you that it is safe and acceptable to raise concerns, you can do so in confidence and without having to worry about being victimised, discriminated against or disadvantaged in any way as a result, and without fear of dismissal.

The Charity reserves the right to modify this policy from time to time at its discretion and in line with legislation.


This policy applies to everyone who works or volunteers for or with the Charity, including those from other organisations with which we have contractual arrangements.

Related Legislation

Related Policies, Procedures and Templates

  • Grievance Policy 
  • Bullying & Anti-Harrassment Policy 
  • Disciplinary Policy 


Board of Trustees

Overall responsibility for the policies and procedures that govern the work at Central YMCA.

Chief Executive

Overall responsibility for ensuring Central YMCA’s resources are used effectively and appropriately.

Policy Owner

Responsible for ensuring guidelines are in place and that policies and procedures reflect our charitable ethos and commitment to equality and diversity. 

All Line Managers

Responsible for ensuring all employees are aware of and follow this policy.

All Employees and Volunteers

To follow policies and procedures, promoting best practice throughout the organization.

Policy Review

Review of impact against the aims of policy:

This policy has been drafted for approval by Kieran Connolly, Chief Resources Officer, and has been approved by the Board of Trustees. All related procedures have been designed to match the contents of this policy.

The policy has been communicated successfully to employees and the policy has been made available on the Charity’s intranet.

Do there appear to be any patterns of equality related issues: No

If yes, please provide an Equalities Impact Assessment (if relevant): N/A

Reviewed by: Board of Trustees
Date: 27/01/22

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Policy Owner and signed off by the Board of Trustees if any changes are made.

Next review date: January 2023

1. Principles

2. Different Types of Concerns

3. Raising a Concern

4. Investigation

5. Investigation

6. Protection

7. Involving the Press/Media

8. Data Protection

Some processes are for internal use only.