We’re opening doors to encourage a more inclusive

We’re opening doors to encourage a more inclusive workplace

A graphic with text "WE ARE OPENING DOORS TO UNTAPPED TALENT" and an illustrated open door with a scenic view.

It’s time to announce our most recent partnership… we’ve signed up to Business in the Community’s Opening Doors campaign. And we’re in good company! We’re joining dozens of other UK companies in the campaign, and that number is steadily growing. Together, we’re changing the way the recruitment and hiring process works. 

The current labour market is a tough one to navigate. Although there are a record number of job vacancies available, a huge portion of the potential market – around three million people – faces barriers to employment. This includes, but isn’t limited to, individuals who are disabled, ex-military, those with previous convictions, people who have experienced homelessness, older workers, and refugees. Alongside Opening Doors, we’re committed to adopting a more inclusive recruitment process and hiring diverse and untapped talent. 

Some of the commitments we’ve made as part of the Opening Doors campaign include: 

Advertising our vacancies through a range of channels and recruitment partners that target diverse groups 
Training our hiring managers on inclusive recruitment and ensuring our employees understand this commitment 
Using inclusive language in all our job listings – that means no jargon and including all the essential information like salary, working hours, location, and day-to-day job activities 
Including diverse colleagues on interview panels where possible 
Ensuring our candidates feel comfortable throughout the interview process and asking if they need any adjustments 
Collecting diversity data at the application stage to ensure we can identify any potential barriers for diverse candidates 

An inclusive and equitable world won’t happen overnight, but we’re deeply committed to getting closer over the next few years. Business in the Community’s Opening Doors campaign plans to make 2 million jobs more inclusive by 2025, and we’re so honoured and proud to be a part of it! 

Fitness for Older Adults: How to stay active over 60

Fitness for Older Adults: How to stay active over 60

Physical fitness is essential for our health throughout every phase of our lives. The NHS recommends that older adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise each week. They also encourage older people to do activities that increase strength, balance, and flexibility at least twice a week. 

If you don’t have a regular exercise routine at the moment, those numbers may sound daunting. But staying active in our golden years comes with so many benefits: 

  • Increase mobility
  • Reduce health problems that result from inactivity 
  • Maintain good heart health 
  • Improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis 
  • Strengthen muscles to prevent falls 
  • Have more energy to do fun things like travel or play with your grandchildren! 

Here are some of our favourite tips on how to stay active over 60 and find an exercise routine that you can stick with: 

Find a form of exercise you enjoy 

There are countless types of exercise, so there’s bound to be one you’ll love… it may just take some trial and error to find the one that sticks! Classic options include running, weightlifting, cycling, and tennis. If you’re after something a bit lower impact, there are plenty of low intensity ways to move that will still give you a great workout. Some of our favourites include walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi, water aerobics, and one of the newer exercise trends, pickleball.  

Eat healthy 

Eating the right balance of nutrients gives you the energy you’ll need to stay active and go about your daily activities. A good rule of thumb is to limit ultra-processed and sugary foods and incorporate as many different fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible. A couple of easy swaps you can make are opting for whole grains and brown rice versus the more processed equivalents and changing out red meat for leaner forms of protein like chicken, fish, legumes, or tofu. 

Turn exercise into a social occasion 

Working out doesn’t need to feel like a chore, and getting some friends involved will make the experience a lot more fun! If you’re interested in social workouts, we offer dozens of classes at the Club each week that are designed for members over the age of 60. You can even continue the fun after class by grabbing a coffee or a smoothie together from our onsite café! Additionally, we offer regular social opportunities for our older members, such as day trips and social teas. Read more about the programme here

Aim for a balance between different forms of exercise 

Health professionals recommend moving in a variety of different ways, such as strength training, cardio, and flexibility/stretching. This is especially important as we get older. Not only will you achieve a more well-rounded level of fitness – focusing on different areas makes older adults stronger and more mobile, reducing the risk of falls. A sample week of workouts could include a mix of swimming, yoga, and strength training with exercise bands, with long walks on the days in between. 

Find ways to stay active outside of sport 

Spending time in the gym is only one of the many ways to stay active over 60. There are plenty of other ways to get your body moving, and you may be doing some of them already! You can get in some great exercise by gardening, taking your dog on long walks, swapping the car for a bike on shorter journeys, and playing with your grandchildren. 

Create a tailored fitness routine with a Personal Trainer 

There are many PTs who specialise in fitness for older adults. Working with a PT, even if it’s just for one session, can help you learn certain moves to incorporate into your exercise routine based on your individual goals and fitness level. We have some excellent PTs at the Club who would love to help you get started on your fitness journey. 

Don’t be afraid to make modifications 

You may not be able to move in the same way as the 20-somethings in the gym, and that’s ok! Customise your workout routines to work for you and your body. If you push yourself too hard, you may end up injuring yourself, so it’s best to start slow and increase your speed or weights gradually. If you’re in an exercise class and finding it a bit too challenging, let your instructor know – they’ll be more than happy to help you find alternatives to exercises that don’t feel good! 

Chat with your GP about your ideal fitness routine 

If you’re brand-new to exercise or have a health condition that may make working out more difficult, it’s best to talk to your GP before starting a new routine. They can give you specific tips on ways to be more active that won’t do any harm along the way. 

Take a few of these tips on board, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier and stronger version of yourself! Ready to get started on your fitness journey? Click here to compare membership options at YMCA Club and click here to view our schedule of upcoming exercise classes. 

Mental Health and Fitness

Mental health and fitness – how connected are they really?

There are many reasons why maintaining good mental health and fitness is essential. This year, the National Fitness Day motto is “Your health is for life.” Fitness is about so much more than short-term gym gains or weight loss – it’s about making sustainable changes that you can take with you through every stage of life. 

We want to help as many people as possible take on this holistic, well-rounded approach to health, revolving around three key themes: mental health, nutrition and recovery, and physical activity. Strike the right balance between each of these areas, and you’ll set yourself up for a lifetime of healthy habits. 

First up, the relationship between mental health and fitness. 

The mind and body are connected a lot more than you’d think! Exercise increases endorphins – the “feel-good” hormone that lowers stress levels, reduces pain, and helps you feel happier all-around. And while the brain isn’t a muscle, it does need to be exercised regularly just like the rest of your body to stay healthy. 

That’s where the concept of “mental fitness” comes in. It’s all about keeping the mind active to help you think more clearly, gain more control over your emotions, have a better memory, and lower the symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Here are some of our favourite ways to improve your mental health and fitness: 

When you’re feeling blah, getting changed and heading to the gym can feel like the hardest task in the world. Getting started is the hard part. Once you start moving and those endorphins start kicking in, you’ll be hooked. There are dozens of ways you can work on your mind-body connection in fitness depending on your interests, physical abilities, and motivation levels. If you’re feeling up for it, sweating it out in a HIIT or boxing class is an amazing way to release frustration or stress. If you’re craving something a bit calmer, yoga, swimming, and jogging are all excellent options. Even getting outside and taking a 20-minute walk in nature is likely to boost your mood. 

Whether you meditate for a half hour or only a few minutes, you’re bound to feel calmer afterward. Meditation can be a challenge at first. (How can you possibly empty your mind and sit still when there are a million different things on your to-do list?!) But just like physical exercise, the more often you do it, the easier it gets. Between apps and free YouTube videos, there are plenty of resources to get you started with meditation and mindfulness in fitness. 

3.Clean eating: 
Having a healthy combination of nutrients helps your brain function at its best. Try to strike the right balance between carbs, protein, and healthy fats and try to limit ultra-processed foods and alcohol, which can have detrimental effects on mental health when consumed too frequently. 

4.Water, water, water: 
Water makes up about three-quarters of the brain, and staying hydrated encourages better brain functioning. Aim for somewhere between three to four litres of water a day, and more on days when it’s hot out or you’re especially active

5.Reading and writing: 
Escaping into a good story can help you forget the stresses of daily life, even if it’s just for a few minutes. It also boosts creativity, which keeps the brain active. Writing has similar benefits, and it’s an excellent way for you to channel your emotions either into short stories, poetry, a blog, or simply a personal journal. 

6.Learning new skills: 
When you learn something new, fresh connections and neural pathways form within the brain. This encourages a stronger memory, and picking up new skills can help you find a sense of purpose, lessening feelings of depression. There are hundreds of new skills out there for you to try, such as language learning, pottery, creative writing, knitting, photography, computer coding, cooking and baking… the options are endless! 

Whether you chose to implement only one of these tips or all of them, you’ll be on your way to a happier and more mentally fit version of yourself. Once you feel stronger mentally, you’ll also find it becomes easier to tackle other aspects of your health journey. 

*Note: We know that mental health is complex, and sometimes it takes more than exercise or mindful behaviours to feel better. If you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health, please speak to your GP to figure out a treatment plan that is customised to you.

Striking the right balance between nutrition and fitness

Striking the right balance between nutrition and fitness

To celebrate National Fitness Day this year, we’re taking their motto “your health is for life” to heart.

Staying fit and healthy is about so much more than what you do in the gym – it extends to every aspect of your life. And the closer attention you pay to your wellness now, the better you’ll feel as you get older. 

There are three areas in particular that we’re focusing on: mental health, nutrition and recovery, and physical activity. They make up the perfect trifecta to get you on the right track for a lifetime of healthy habits.  

In this post, we’re chatting all things nutrition and recovery. 


A good diet is the foundation for a healthy life. It impacts just about every aspect of your being, such as your energy levels, sleep, and resistance to disease. 

When thinking about nutrition tips for athletes, it’s important to strike the right balance of carbs, protein, and fat. There’s a misconception that cutting out carbs or fat will help you lose weight – restrictive diets may lead to weight loss in the short-term, but they’re not sustainable. The best thing you can do for your health is to include the correct balance of the three macronutrients. (Note that the recommended ratio of carbs to protein to fat varies from person to person. A nutritionist can help you put together a customised plan that works best for you.) 

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary form of energy, and they should make up most of your diet. And this food group is much more than grains like bread and rice – fruits and vegetables are carbs too! When it comes to grains, try to go for the whole grain or brown varieties most often as they’re higher in fibre and will keep you full longer. And while the government recommends five servings of fruit and veg a day, that’s the bare minimum. We should really be aiming for 10 a day! 

Protein is essential for growing your muscles, and protein-rich foods are important for muscle recovery after a tough workout. But don’t overdo it – about 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight is ideal. Unless you’re a professional bodybuilder, consuming more than that can actually have negative effects. Excellent sources of protein to include in your diet include beans, lentils, tofu, lean chicken and turkey, fish, and eggs. If you’re vegan, veggie, or flexi, many of the meat-free alternatives are also high in protein! 

Fats help your body absorb vitamins and nutrients, and they keep your hormones regulated. They’re important in a healthy diet, but not all fats are created equal. Try to limit saturated and trans fats – instead, opt for healthy forms of fat like nuts, seeds, avocados, salmon, and high-quality olive oil. Try to limit foods that are high in the bad fats, including processed and red meat, dairy, deep-fried foods, and sugary desserts and baked goods. 

Bonus: Water

It’s not one of the macronutrients, but we can’t talk about nutrition without bringing up water! Staying hydrated helps with digestion and muscle function, and it can also be your secret weapon when it comes to weight management and dieting. Most adults in the UK are chronically dehydrated, so even if you feel like you drink enough water, chances are your body craves more!  


Fuelling up before and after a workout is good for your muscles and can help your body recover faster. But try to avoid food within 30 minutes of your workout to prevent stomach cramps or indigestion. In addition to diet, there are several other things you can do to encourage recovery. 

Always stretch before and after a workout to prevent injuries and minimise muscle soreness.
Don’t neglect rest days! These are just as important as your active days, especially if you’re going hard in the gym. However, don’t be sedentary on rest days – still fit in time for light exercise like a walk, yoga, or stretching.
Foam rolling is excellent to prevent muscle soreness. 
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is important for just about every aspect of your health and is also necessary for your muscles to recover. 
Consider treating yourself to a special recovery service every now and again, such as a massage, cupping, or acupuncture. 

Keep in mind that diet and recovery are very personal and can vary from person to person. If you want help creating a custom nutrition or recovery plan, book a consultation with a trained professional. We have nutritionists and sports recovery experts available right at the Club. 

How to start working out and actually stick with it

How to start working out and actually stick with it

National Fitness Day was a couple days ago, but we’re keeping the celebrations going a bit longer. After all, their motto this year is “your health is for life.”

Fitness is a many faceted thing that’s about so much more than shedding pounds or growing muscles. We know how important it is to make sustainable changes to your health journey to make sure it’s something you can sustain throughout your life. 

So far, we’ve chatted about mental health, nutrition, and recovery and how they’re related to fitness. Today, we’re talking about the final piece in the puzzle for a lifetime of healthy habits: physical activity and how to start working out.

There are dozens of different ways you can get moving on a daily basis, and it’s not a one-size-fits-all. If you’re not much of a gym-goer at the moment, the idea of getting started with exercise can seem daunting. But the key on how to start working out (and actually stick with it) is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and that you can turn into a habit. Easier said than done, but here are five tips to get you motivated: 

Be open to trying anything and everything.

You may fall in love with a form of exercise you wouldn’t have expected! YMCA Club has a huge variety of classes you can try, such as yoga, aerobics, and circuit training. If you’re a beginner, let the instructor know and they’ll help you modify exercises that may be too difficult. 

Take it slow. 

It can be tempting to go all-in from the start, but that may lead to burnout. If you’re brand new to exercise, start with something manageable like 2 or 3 workouts a week, and go for walks on other days. And the workouts don’t need to be long sessions – even a 20-minute HIIT workout can be enough to get your heart pumping! 

Find a “why” that’s more than just a good physique.

This is the key to starting a healthy exercise routine that you can sustain. You’re more likely to stick with exercise long-term if you’re doing it for a non-aesthetic or non-selfish reason. This can include a long list of things, such as managing diabetes, improving heart health, managing anxiety or depression, lowering blood pressure, or getting stronger to play with your grandchildren.  

Recruit a workout buddy.

If you’re going solo, it can be easy to make excuses to skip a workout, but when you start a fitness routine with a friend, you keep each other accountable. You’re less likely to cancel a workout last-minute if your friend is relying on you! You can even make the experience more fun and social by going for a coffee or nutritious smoothie after the workout. 

Block off time in your diary.

It’s important to make physical activity a priority because it is one. Schedule it in the same way you would a work meeting or doctor appointment. If you can make a habit of exercise, even better! Try working out at the same time a few days a week or attend a couple of the same classes each week. 

All that’s standing between you and your new fitness routine is that first workout! Need some inspiration to get started? Some of the most popular types of workout – and some of our favourites include swimming, cycling, yoga, boxing, weightlifting, dancing, HIIT, and pilates.

Raising an SDG Flag in Support of UN Sustainable Development Goals

Raising an SDG Flag in Support of UN Sustainable Development Goals

Group holding a banner with Sustainable Development Goals in an office.

Yesterday, Central YMCA, along with hundreds of UK organisations raised an SDG flag to show their support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

This September will mark eight years since the world embraced the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving them is more important than ever. 

The SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, reflect a shared objective and ambition across all countries to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among countries, to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, to protect human rights and promote gender equality of women and girls, and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources by 2030. Their importance cannot be underestimated. 

The 17 Goals are supported by 169 targets and 232 indicators, enabling progress to be prioritised and tracked.  

Central YMCA proudly join hundreds of businesses, government departments, and civil society organisations in a global movement to fly an SDG flag to spread awareness of the SDGs and mobilise stakeholders for the 2030 agenda.  

We are committed to actively supporting all the SDGs, with a strong focus on delivering Good Health & Wellbeing, Quality Education, Decent Work, Reduced Inequalities and Gender Equality. Over the coming months we’ll be sharing more information on how we’re working to achieve these, the difference they make and how you can get involved! 

In the UK, there have been some significant milestones towards the SDGs. In 2022, the UN Global Compact Network UK released Measuring Up 2.0, a multi-stakeholder report assessing the UK’s performance against the SDGs and their Targets to understand how and where businesses, government, and other organisations should focus efforts for the remainder of this decade of action.   

The report found of the 132 Targets relevant to the domestic delivery of the SDGs, the UK is only performing well on 17% of them. It highlighted how persistent inequalities within and between communities in the UK mean that we continue to leave people and places behind. It is because of this that the 2030 Agenda is more important than ever, and worldwide collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society organisations are essential.  

With only 1 in 10 people in Britain familiar with the SDGs, raising the SDG flag this September is key to raising awareness and mobilising stakeholders for action. Join the global movement in championing the SDGs so together the 2030 Agenda can be achieved! 

We believe that collaboration and shared vision will be key to achieving the sustainable development goals and effecting meaningful change towards a sustainable future. Get in touch today to find out more about how we can work together to create a better future for all. 

Central YMCA CEO Ryan Palmer responds to the cut in PE hours

Central YMCA CEO Ryan Palmer responds to the cut in PE hours

Children playing a ball game in a gymnasium.

Following the recent success of the England women’s world cup team, reaching the finals in Australia & New Zealand this summer, comes mainstream attention and the ripple effect that this has inspiring the next generation of children and young people to be active and engage in sport and physical activity.

It is therefore essential that we see continued investments into PE and school sport to continue this narrative and provide safe and professional education that has a long term effect on both our happiness and the development of future talent within the sporting ecosystem.

Undoubtedly the world has changed in recent times, the impact of Covid and summary cost of living crisis caused by it, and other world events, have irrevocably changed the horizon. Yet, there are still some fundamental truths that stand the test of time, and we must pay attention to, if we are to create a healthy future. One such truth is the need for PE in our schools.

It has been undisputedly proven that physical activity directly translates to better mental wellbeing. It has also been undisputedly proven that better mental wellbeing leads to greater productivity and individual satisfaction. It is a simple truth that exercise, in any shape or form, improves quality of life and personal prosperity.

Psychologically speaking we know that habits form at an early stage of life, as such we have a responsibility at every level, from Government to Community, to create and enable extensive access to physical activity in our primary and secondary schools… This cannot be negotiable.

The current mandated hours of PE are not sufficient. The Chief Medical Officers for UK recommend 1 hour of daily physical activity at primary school, with half of that taking place during the school day; the DfE recommends at least 90-minutes per week.

At best this means our children are receiving at least 1 hour less than the recommended levels of physical activity per week than is good for them at primary school.

The bottom line is we must make room for more physical activity at every level of education, from primary school up; at a minimum 30 minutes per day. However, this is not just a question of providing more PE hours. Physical activity will not become habitual until we build it into routine, and that demands providing more PE options, and creating accessibility and universal participation.

Join the YMCA G.I.R.L.S. Move Programme

Join the YMCA G.I.R.L.S. Move Programme

Empowering girls to be more physically and emotionally healthy

Our G.I.R.L.S. Move project is all about empowerment and physical activity, supporting young girls to become more physically active in a non-traditional way. We work with girls aged 11-19 from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities to build their self confidence and self-esteem and provide leadership training. 

What’s involved? 

By participating in this 3-week programme, girls embark on a journey to explore their identity, confidence, and self-esteem. Time is allocated to talk about body image, self-esteem, leadership, and confidence, and there’s also an opportunity to get physically active. There’s no need to worry — the physical aspects don’t need to be traditional activities. It’s all about each individual and what they feel comfortable with.   


Monday 12th September: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Monday 19th September: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Monday 26th September: 5:30pm – 7:30pm


Central YMCA Club  

112 Great Russell Street London, WC1B 3NQ 
1 min from Tottenham Court Road Tube station 

Want to join us?

Meet Declan: Physical Activity Hero finalist

Meet Declan: Physical Activity Hero finalist

Declan Duncan has been inspiring people to be more physically active here at Central YMCA Club for over 20 years.

After a long journey at Central YMCA, Declan is now our Community Programmes & Volunteer Manager and is responsible for a great number of programmes, which have a considerable impact in our communities. These include health and wellbeing programmes for Older Adults, people living with HIV, people recovering from Cancer, and those with mental health problems; he also runs our short lifestyle courses and volunteering programme. We are so proud of Declan for this recognition and for everything he has achieved. 

The ukActive Physical Activity Hero Award

The award highlights those who have impacted and inspired the people they engage with and showcases the transformational impact of physical activity on health, happiness, and wellbeing. Declan’s work and dedication is being highlighted along with 7 others, before the winner is announced in early June. To celebrate this achievement, we are sharing his incredible story. 

Before YMCA

Declan was born in South Africa, where he graduated from Pinelands High School in 1988. He trained in nursing at the prestigious Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town – the first hospital in the world to ever perform a successful heart transplant. After qualifying as a nurse, Declan arrived in the UK in 1996. Although he only expected to stay for one and a half years, he’s still here over twenty years later!  

Declan’s motivation to help others led him to his first job in London – working with Cancer and HIV+ patients at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. While working full-time as a nurse, Declan pursued his interest in health and fitness by also studying to become a personal trainer with Central YMCA: 

“I looked up YMCA, because I knew they had a good reputation.” 

Having joined Central YMCA in 1999, he still remembers his tutors Denise Page and Tracy Bell; “you know they were good tutors when you remember their names 20-odd years later!” It was these inspiring tutors who directed Declan to a volunteering opportunity at YMCA Club.  

Becoming part of YMCA Club 

“I remember the day that I walked through the doors at reception when I came to apply as a volunteer. I had no idea of the impact that it would have on my life. I honestly felt so welcomed when I first arrived, and so safe and listened to. That’s what I’ve always wanted to recreate, when I was lucky enough to become a manager.” 

Declan’s journey with the Club started in 2000. He first started as a volunteer on our Positive Health Programme, an exercise referral programme for those living with HIV, before becoming an employed Fitness Instructor on the programme in 2005.  

With his background in medical care for people with HIV, Declan describes how he was inspired by the Positive Health programme: 

“It is, to my knowledge, one-of-a-kind in the whole of the UK. I don’t think there is any other exercise or social prescription programme which focusses on the condition of HIV. It is unique, so I applied to volunteer.” 

By 2005, Declan had moved to the Cancer and HIV wards at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in South Kensington, balancing his part-time work at the Club with his nursing career. However, in 2007, Declan was offered a job as Community Programmes Manager for the Older Adults programme – leaving nursing behind to pursue his work at Central YMCA. He has been here full-time ever since!  

Running a team  

Declan has overseen the introduction of many innovative programmes at the Club, which have aimed to get people active again after long periods away from exercise. These include RENEW, an exercise referral programme for young people living with Cancer, Project Gym, which engages young men with haemophilia, and Mind Body Matters, a programme providing exercise support to students struggling with their mental health at Birbeck University. He is incredibly grateful to his colleagues at the Club for the roles that they have played: 

 “I feel proud of what my team and volunteers do, and humbled to be around such incredible people.”  

Declan’s impact on the community, especially the Older Adults programme, has been huge. Growing the community programme membership by 11%, with over 1000 members of the gym being over 60, many of these members attended the gym solely to partake in Declan’s exercise classes. Declan’s caring and thoughtful approach to his work is motivated by his genuine respect for each one of his programmes’ members:  

“For me, it’s always important that people feel safe when they come into the Club; that they feel that they are valued as a person, that they are included. They are not just a ‘Club member’ – every name has a story behind it.” 

“It is the members that keep inspiring me over the years. I’ve been lucky enough to have an amazing team of staff and all my volunteers, who help across the Positive Health and Older Adults programmes. We wouldn’t be able to do half the work that we do without them. When times are tough, these are the people who keep me going.” 

Keeping the community together  

As the pandemic struck in 2019, Declan stepped up as the main point of contact for our community members who were shielding, isolated or at risk of loneliness and inactivity. He noticed that a lot of elderly Club members used YouTube but did not have access to any other social media sites, so he started filming Zumba and strength training exercise classes specifically for them and posting these on YouTube. This helped to keep the Older Adults moving and offered them a sense of normality and community during the difficult lockdown period. 

Declan’s dedication to the Older Adults’ wellbeing has been incredibly inspiring. He added to his YouTube videos by sending out light-hearted, fun monthly newsletters, which had links to his exercise videos for easy access, and health eating tips; even calling some of the members once a week, who did not have access to the internet.  

A lot of the Older Adults told Declan how much they valued seeing a familiar face and hearing his voice: 

“I feel it gave them something to look forward to.” 

“Some of the older adults felt completely lost without the gym. One gentleman would walk past every day hoping that we were open, even though we were in lockdown. It tugs at your heartstrings – you don’t realise the impact that coming here has on people.” 

Helping people over lockdown 

One woman told Declan how much she looked forward to his emails and videos, because she had spent lockdown alone. In fact, Declan’s YouTube exercise videos became very popular, with one of them reaching over 97,000 views. People from all over the world left reviews, telling us how much his energy and kindness had helped them. What started as a way of keeping our members active and in contact during such a difficult time became a worldwide hit.  

Arvinda Gohil, Chief Executive at Central YMCA said:

“We are extremely proud of Declan’s work, and it is fantastic to see that his work is being recognised nationally. His work at Central YMCA UK and his dedication to helping others have impacted the lives of so many people within our community and across the world.”

Here are just some of the people who Declan’s exercise routines have impacted: 

“I found your videos on YouTube and I can’t tell you how excited I am every day to do them! Thank you for all you do, and be safe during this extremely difficult time!”– Linda (New York, USA) 

“I discovered your YouTube channel a few weeks ago and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your classes. I’m currently being treated for leukaemia but still wanted to stay as active as possible and your easy Zumba classes are just the ticket! I dance around in my front parlour much to the amusement of my partner. I cannot always complete the entire session, but I have so much fun (even if I seem to have two left feet!) and your friendly smile keeps me going. Thank you so very much for all you do. Stay safe!” – Cynthia (Washington, USA) 

“It’s nice to see a friendly face that you know” – Kathy (UK) 

Volunteering on the COVID wards 

In addition to throwing himself into continuing to provide helpful services during COVID, Declan decided to use his remaining time and nursing skills to help during the pandemic: 

“I had to do something and help out.” 

One week after this decision, he was doing 12-hour shifts volunteering on the COVID wards of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. He recalls the hardship that he witnessed:  

“Every ward was a COVID ward… there were no visitors. We were just running, all the time. What struck me was how tired some of the nurses, doctors, porters and housekeeping staff looked. Anyone who doesn’t believe in COVID needs to go and work on one of those wards.”  

Declan recounts the Army being drafted in in January to help the exhausted medical staff, some of whom had to isolate themselves. He saw soldiers walking around the hospital performing emergency duties, which he described as “eerie”. 

“It was scary, it was very challenging and sad. There are some scenes that I hope I never see again.” 

“My YMCA was like a break”, a refuge of normality. After the stress and horrors of the COVID wards, seeing familiar Club members’ pictures appearing on his screen brought him happiness and reassurance. For Declan, keeping that balance between the hospital and YMCA was what allowed him to keep going.  

Returning to normal 

After lockdown was lifted and life began to return to normal, one of the first groups which returned to the Club were the Older Adult and Positive Health members. 

There was a queue down the street to enter the Club at 9am on opening day. To ensure that they could return to the Club safely, Declan began creating Older Adults’ accounts for them to book their exercise slots, or even booked them in under his own name. Declan recalls their enthusiasm to return to his classes, and the measures put in place to protect them: 

“They were wanting to move again, in their familiar space. It was quite nerve-racking for them, so it was important to reassure them that we were doing things safely in the building, with face-coverings, hand-sanitizer, regular cleaning and a one-way system. Everyone pulled together.” 

The impact Central YMCA has had on Declan 

“It’s been a long journey – volunteer, part-time, full-time. What’s always kept me here are the members. It’s been so great to see how the physical and social activities impact the Older Adults. I’ve really got to know them and their stories. It’s so interesting when they talk about their pasts, because these are the old London tales that you’re hearing. They are really, really fun characters. Seeing the impact that exercise has on people and seeing them start to take ownership of their fitness is really quite inspiring.” 

“It’s made me more aware of my own health and fitness, I was never the sporty type at school! I never thought I’d work in the fitness industry. But seeing the impact of this place on staff and members over the years has also had an impact on me.” 

“I have spent most of my working adult life at YMCA. It’s been a real privilege to have worked here for so long, and to have interacted with so many interesting and diverse people across the years.”  

Free Pilates classes for BAME women

Free Pilates classes for BAME women

A 6-week programme which helps reduce

health inequalities in Camden

Here at Central YMCA we work to break down barriers and improve access to life-changing opportunities. That’s why we are delighted to be partnering with Voluntary Action Camden to help improve access and reduce health inequalities for Camden’s Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic community.

Join our free 6-week Pilates programme specifically catered to Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic (BAME) women who are looking to get active and improve their health and wellbeing. These classes offer a safe space for you to feel at ease and connect with other women in a calm and quiet studio which cannot be overlooked by the public.

When it runs:

Starting 22 August 2022, the programme ran on Mondays and Wednesdays for 6 weeks. *This programme has finished. We’ll let you know if we run another in the future!


YMCA KX in Kings Cross

120 Cromer Street, London, WC1H 8BS

What the programme includes: 

Group introduction 
2 classes per week run over 6 weeks
Small group sessions
Final group celebration