Charlie opened the show as the evening’s host, and continued to ask the speakers probing questions throughout the evening. After inviting Rosi to the stage as the first speaker, we were reminded that the whole movement was happening only because of Rosi’s relentless quest to discover Central YMCA’s true purpose in the 21st century.
The poetry of being well
The evening was interspersed with poems read out by young people on their thoughts about being young and being well. Jack O’Bosci was the first up this with a rap and later we heard from Antosh Wojcik, who entertained with moving poem about his sister and Millie O’Lionsigh-Bailey, who really made us question what being well means to us.
Alain de Botton
A highlight of the evening was, of course, Alain de Botton who went from Plato and Socrates to social media in the space of a few minutes. He asked us to consider taking time to reflect and go inside ourselves without the fear of ‘self indulgence’. He warned against those that claimed to be totally sane and urged that we should make friends with the word mad. He spoke about taking the time to train our minds as we would our bodies and not being ashamed of that. We don’t think twice about putting in a regimented logical workout for a certain part of our body, so why would we not do the same for our minds? He also asked us to take time to process our thoughts, however uncomfortable, as he believed not doing so was the major cause of insomnia.