Workplace Mental Health: Fostering a Supportive Environment

10 October 2024
workplace mental health

Happy World Mental Health Day! This year’s theme, set by the World Federation of Mental Health, focuses on workplace mental health, highlighting the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace for the benefit of individuals, organisations, and communities. 

Today, we’re reflecting on the ways we aim to raise awareness around mental health and promote mental wellbeing among our learners, apprentices, tutors, staff members, and everyone else who has a connection to Central YMCA. 

Work can profoundly impact our mental health, providing a sense of purpose and opportunities to connect. However, it can also be a source of stress, anxiety, and even contribute to developing mental health conditions. In the UK, an estimated 15% of workers live with a mental health condition, with around 875,000 individuals suffering from work-related stress, depression, and anxiety in 2022/23. Mental health issues have become the fifth most common reason for sickness absence, illustrating the critical need for supportive workplace environments. 

Since we all spend so much time at work, it’s important to create a workplace that nurtures mental health, enabling staff to experience the benefits of work while minimising the negative impacts. As an organisation, we strive to create this type of environment for our employees. 


Ways we support our Central YMCA colleagues 

Mental Health Champions 

To support our colleagues, Central YMCA introduced Mental Health Champions across the organisation. These individuals, trained in Mental Health First Aid, provide essential support to signpost to professional help when needed. However, it is vital to recognise that while we have established resources and trained champions, promoting positive mental health in the workplace is a shared responsibility that involves everyone. 


We're all responsible 

It’s a collective effort to create a healthy work environment. We encourage every member of our team, from executives to frontline staff, to actively engage in fostering a culture of wellbeing. This means not only recognising the importance of mental health but also valuing the positive aspects of our work and each other's contributions. 


Our Commitment to Mental Health First Aid 

Mental Health First Aid training teaches participants how to identify, understand, and assist someone experiencing mental health challenges. This training empowers staff to recognise warning signs, listen empathetically, and respond effectively, potentially preventing a crisis. Furthermore, champions can signpost individuals towards resources such as self-help materials, therapy services, and support groups, fostering a culture of recovery and understanding. They are the beginning of the journey, not the end point. The entire Central YMCA executive team will soon be participating in a two-day Mental Health First Aid course. 


Supporting Mental Health with Tea Talks 

Talking openly about mental health is one of the best ways to support our well-being, and it's something we can all do. Regular conversations, even over a cup of tea, can reduce stress, offer emotional support, and help us feel more connected. 

Tea Talks are informal gatherings where we can talk, listen, and share over a warm drink. Not only does it strengthen our bonds as a community, but we can also make a real difference by using these Tea Talks to raise funds for the Mental Health Foundation

Whether it’s a 10-minute chat or a longer discussion, these moments can make a big impact. Let’s look after our mental health together and support a great cause at the same time. 


Why should I care? 

A mentally healthy workplace is built on open conversations about mental health, training staff, and addressing discrimination and bullying. While discussions about mental health have become more common, there’s still a stigma around severe mental health issues. As a society, we often lack the tools to take care of our mental health in the same way we do for our physical health, leaving many unsure of how to support those who are struggling and where to seek help themselves. 


Simple ways to improve your mental wellbeing 

Get active. Exercise is proven to boost our mood and reduce the severity of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Not sure where to start? YMCA Club has just published a blog post on the topic to help you get started. 

Eat nutritious foods. Ultra-processed foods and sugary snacks can cause inflammation throughout the body and brain and contribute to poor mental health. Aim to eat a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, nuts, and dark leafy vegetables can especially help boost your brain health. 

Talk it out. Simply talking about what you’re going through can help you process your emotions and identify different patterns in the way your brain works. You can talk to a friend or family member, a therapist, or even keep a diary to help you get things off your chest. 

Prioritise sleep. While we sleep, our brain processes our memories and emotions from the day. Inadequate sleep can lead to higher levels of irritability, trouble making decisions, and an increase in mental health conditions. Aim for about 8 hours of sleep each night. 

Enjoy time for self-care. We don’t need to be productive at all times – it's also important to take time to relax and do the things you enjoy, whether that’s practicing a hobby, reading a book in the bath, or sitting down with a cup of tea and the latest episode of your favourite show. 


We’re committed to prioritising mental health, supporting one another, and actively promoting a positive environment where everyone feels safe to talk about their mental wellbeing. Together, we can continue to create a world where mental health truly matters, and it becomes a shared goal for all.